Ledger Object Types
Each ledger's state tree consists of a set of ledger objects, which collectively represent all settings, balances, and relationships in the shared ledger. In the peer protocol that rippled servers use to communicate with each other, ledger objects are represented in their raw binary format. In the rippled API, ledger objects are represented as JSON objects.
- AccountRoot
The settings, XAG balance, and other metadata for one account.
- Amendments
Singleton object with status of enabled and pending amendments.
- DepositPreauth
A record of preauthorization for sending payments to an account that requires authorization.
- DirectoryNode
Contains links to other objects.
- FeeSettings
Singleton object with consensus-approved base transaction cost and reserve requirements.
- LedgerHashes
Lists of prior ledger versions' hashes for history lookup.
- Offer
An order to make a currency trade.
- RippleState
Links two accounts, tracking the balance of one currency between them. The concept of a trust line is an abstraction of this object type.
- SignerList
A list of addresses for multi-signing transactions.